Алея Зірок України – всі конкурси
✦ Найближчі конкурси: Алея Зірок: КРАЇНА ГЕРОЇВ, Сузір’я Україна-Європа, Зірки Європи, London Stars, New York Starlights.
✦ Постійно: програми просування талантів Hollywood і Constellation

New York Starlights | Season 1

International Talent Contest

Nikita Shepshelei

Nikita Shepshelei

Nikita Shepshelei, 15 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Kiril Boridko

Kiril Boridko

Kiril Boridko, 12 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Oleksandra Tsuniak

Oleksandra Tsuniak

Oleksandra Tsuniak, 50 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Vladyslava Ruda

Vladyslava Ruda

Vladyslava Ruda, 14 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Exemplary ensemble of violinists «Prelude»

Ensemble «Prelude»

Exemplary ensemble of violinists «Prelude», 12–15 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Taras Gasyk

Taras Gasyk

Taras Gasyk, 12 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Esther Kryshtalovich,

Esther Kryshtalovich

Esther Kryshtalovich, 12 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
eachr's instrumental ensemble «Resonance»

Ensemble «Resonance»

Teacher's instrumental ensemble «Resonance», 25+ y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Mariia Sahaidak

Mariia Sahaidak

Mariia Sahaidak, 18 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Davud Bobrovskuju

Davyd Bobrovskyi

Davud Bobrovskuju, 7 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Andrii Vorobei

Andrii Vorobei

Andrii Vorobei, 20 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
Roman Kapitula

Roman Kapitula

Roman Kapitula, 20 y.o., at the New York Starlights international talent contest | Season 1
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