Алея Зірок України – всі конкурси
✦ Найближчі конкурси: Алея Зірок: КРАЇНА ГЕРОЇВ, Сузір’я Україна-Європа, Зірки Європи, London Stars, New York Starlights.
✦ Постійно: програми просування талантів Hollywood і Constellation

Constellation: World Vision | Season 1

International contest of singers, songwriters, instrumentalists, composers, conductors, concertmasters, dancers, choreographers, acrobats, actors, directors, journalists, artists, designers etc.

Iryna Mailo

Iryna Mailo

Iryna Mailo, 20 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Maryna Kovalyk

Maryna Kovalyk

Maryna Kovalyk, 10 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Solomiia Mikhalova

Solomiia Mikhalova

Solomiia Mikhalova, 13 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Solomiia Kolenko

Solomiia Kolenko

Solomiia Kolenko, 10 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Denis Kaplunov

Denis Kaplunov

Denis Kaplunov, 15 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Наталія Палієнко

Natalia Palienko

Natalia Palienko, 38 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Sofia Kuchanska

Sofia Kuchanska

Sofia Kuchanska, 9 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Valeriya Shaposhnyk

Valeriya Shaposhnyk

Valeriya Shaposhnyk, 25 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Yevhen Bohdanovych

Yevhen Bohdanovych

Yevhen Bohdanovych, 19 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Eva Sidorova

Eva Sidorova

Eva Sidorova, 12 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Софія Поміщик

Sofiia Pomishchyk

Sofiia Pomishchyk, 12 y.o., at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
Андрій Мурза | репер А

Andrii Murza | rapper A

Andrii Murza | rapper A, 28, at the Constellation: World Vision international talent contest | Season 1
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